Top 5 Cookbook Recipes

I wanted to share with you my newest products that you can purchase over on Amazon.  Read more below to learn all about them!

The idea for these books came from writer and podcaster, Kendra Adachi, who is @thelazygenius on Instagram and everywhere else. Kendra has the same love that I do of using processes to make life simpler and more manageable for everyday things such as meal planning. She posted on Instagram a picture of sticky notes with her cookbook titles on them and then listed out three recipes to make from those cookbooks.  This was to help narrow down the list of ideas when meal planning and help remind her of what she wanted to make next from all of her cookbooks.  It also puts everything into one location rather than flipping through every page of every cookbook when trying to decide what to make for dinner.

So after taking a class from Maggie Green of The Green Apron Company on how to use KDP on Amazon to publish a recipe notebook and a family cookbook, I instantly knew the next book I wanted to develop was listing out my cookbooks (of which I have over 200 at this point) and picking out recipes to make from them. This would get me looking through my cookbooks, picking out new recipes to try, and then having one place to go when meal planning for the week. This combines my love of cookbooks, organization, and cooking into one useful project with practical application. 

inside of book

To use these books simply list the name of the cookbook, magazine, source (such as Pinterest or an app), website, or any other way your recipes are gathered. Then list the name of the author, chef, or cook. Next, find and write down 4-5 recipes from that reference that you would like to realistically make. List the page number so that it’s easy to flip to that recipe in a book or magazine. Add in the “date made” as a way to keep track of when you made a dish if that’s useful info for you. And, lastly, a repeat option to circle and a space to write in any additional notes.

The names of these books are “Top 5 Cookbook Recipes,” “Cookbook Top 5,” and “Baking Cookbook Top 5” (this one is still in the works), and they are available to order on Amazon.  The covers are all different depending on your taste, but the interiors are all the same.  Also every 4 pages there’s a different background or image to make them interesting and beautiful.  I hope you enjoy using them, and it gets you using your cookbooks more! 

(I’ve featured 3 of my favorite cookbook creators from Indy, Tanorria Askew of Tanorria’s Table and Sonja and Alex Overhiser of A Couple Cooks!)